Showing 161–180 of 191 results

  • Performing Self/Performing Gender: Reading the lives of Women Performers in Colonial India

    This book explores the shifting identity of the female performer in India, starting from the late 19th century to the early years of independence, through the study of autobiographies and memoirs. It attempts to make visible the actress figure by entering the history of performance, guided by the voice of the female performer. The discussion on performing woman in this book spans across the performing traditions of the tawaif, actresses in public theatre, early Indian film actresses, and actresses in the Indian People?s Theatre and the Prithvi Theatre. Sheetala Bhat is an actress and a writer from Sirsi, a small town in the Western Ghats of Karnataka. She holds an MA in English Literature from Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal University, Manipal. She worked with Chintana repertory, exploring the possibilities of theatre in education in government schools in Karnataka. She writes short stories and poetry in Kannada. Being a reclusive reader and an enthusiastic actress, she often finds herself rummaging and weaving in between the fields of theatre and Indian literature, with an emphasis on the gender concerns in these areas. Performing Self, Performing Gender: Reading the Lives of Women Performers in Colonial India is her first book.

  • If we meet again we shall smile

    People leave our lives. Some simply walk away from our world while some leave this world altogether. Through visuals, poetry and short stories, the author has a dialogue with the reader that takes them both through a journey full of characters that are no more, and yet have shaped the story. This fictional dialogue is a short trip down memory lane that visits the relationships one keeps hidden beneath.

    Anushua Chakrabarti, originally from Kolkata, is a wandering minstrel. She lives on travel and music. Anushua has completed her MBA from TAPMI, Manipal, India, post which she worked in top technology brands like HP and Microsoft. She is presently back in Kolkata, driving social service through her acquired experience. Anushua has faced several childhood traumas but she believes she is what she is today, not in spite of it; but because of it.

  • Searching in the Backyard: Kunabi Child Care From an Ethnopaediatric Perspective

    This work on ethnopaediatrics is a thick description and a critical analysis of the plural mix of child health care that exists among the Kunabi tribe, a marginalized tribal population in the forests of Western Karnataka. It points out the gaps that exist between modern health providers and the indigenous people. It shows how these gaps could be resolved if bottom-up ethnopaediatric approach is adopted. The volume will be beneficial to planners, policy makers, and modern health care providers who are involved in reproductive and child health programs in India. Ambuja Kowlgi is an anthropologist by profession and acclaimed as one of the best ethnographic fieldworker in her alma mater. She is a freelance consultant in anthropological analysis, translations, and editing. She has published articles in national and international journals. C G Hussain Khan is UGC Emeritus Fellow at the Department of Anthropology, Karnatak University and member of the National Advisory Committee, Anthropological Survey of India. He has served as ? Coordinator, International Diploma in Reproductive Health Management, Karnatak University Dharwad; Chairman, Anthropology Department, Karnatak University; Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences; and member, UGC Curriculum Development Committee (Anthropology). He has worked on WHO projects and, published books and articles in national and international journals.

  • Path to Ideal Motherhood

    Path to Ideal Motherhood is a complete guide on pre-conceptual counselling, pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy is to nurture a life within, where a would-be mother experiences physical, psychological, emotional and societal changes. A complete knowledge of pregnancy, and a sincere and positive effort by the would-be mother is what is required to make this journey an enriching experience, filled with fond memories. The book discusses and provides a detailed information on important facts of childbirth and pregnancy, lifestyle changes during pregnancy, along with the importance of breathing, nutrition, exercises, sleep, etc. The book also discusses the concept of Garbha Sanskar for a healthy baby. As a young mother nurtures a young life, the book seeks to nurture the young mother towards an ideal path to motherhood.

  • Cases in Brand Management and Services Marketing

    This book intends to connect concepts in Brand Management and Services Marketing, through the pedagogy of case method of teaching. The 15 cases, which rigorously followed a symptom-problem- alternatives-solution, frame work are written on the several managerial dilemmas and situations faced by organizational managers, pertaining to areas of Brand Management and Services Marketing; and can be broadly categorized under consumer products and service products. Under consumer products, it covers products such as ? furnishing, personal care, kitchen products, wellness products, food products, magazines, etc. and under service products it includes industries such as ? hospitals, hotels, airline ticketing, banks, event and e-commerce. All the cases focus on situations experienced in brand building, nurturing, and management. The pastures focused in the brand management cases are product development, positioning, segment identification, advertising, costing and pricing products, brand extension, brand equity, brand valuation, etc. and those focused on Services Marketing include: services delivery, process management, service quality, ambience and technology management, customer satisfaction, complaint management, etc. The cases are meant to strengthen the problem identification and problem solving skills of the present and future managers in the two areas.

  • The Gandhi Cap and Other Short Stories by Raja Radhikaraman Prasad Singh

    The book The Gandhi Cap and Other Short Stories offers a glimpse into the lifetime of work of a forgotten pioneer of Hindi fiction, Raja Radhikaraman Prasad Sinha. It is ironic that one cannot find a single book by this author who was so dedicated to Hindi literature. The stories in this collection are a testament not only to the contributions of Sinha to Hindi fiction but also, reflect the depth of political and social milieu of the times. Many readers will be moved by the elements patriotism, feminism, secularism, and spiritualism in these stories. Strong female characters are common in most of these stories. These characters provide both a moral fulcrum to the stories as well as reflect the struggle of women to balance prevailing customs with modernity. Some of these stories provide sharp political and social commentary that still have currency (The Gandhi Cap). Sinha incorporates a unique style of writing that uses lyrical prose and poetry together. He even employs a dialogue between the storyteller and a social gathering in the form of an epilogue, to offer a discourse on social dilemma about women?s plight to become modern while admonishing them to retain their Indian essence (An Expensive Bargain). We hope the readers will enjoy this wonderful collection.

  • Colours of the Rainbow

    The author, through Colours of the Rainbow, tells us that everyone is destined for his/her own rainbow with a pot of gold at the other end if, one has a will, works hard on it, and with a little bit of luck. The book narrates the dream journey of a village boy.

  • ECG Monitoring and Interpretation-Manual for Nurses

    This book has been written keeping in mind the technological advancements in the field of health care and the services that are demanded by the critical care staff nurses, who indeed one of the front line care givers in the critical care units. In this rapidly changing world, there are many challenges for a critical care nurse as the needs, expectations of the society are increasing, and the nursing care is moved towards the family oriented model from the traditional patient oriented model. A prudent critical care nurse needs to be competent in taking care of the patients. As a vital member of the health care team, the nurse is expected to be responsible and accountable for the outcome of the patient under her/his care.

  • Mysore History before 1800 CE

    Mysore History before 1800 CE is about the life and work of Prof. D S Achuta Rao. His research on Mysore history is represented by ten indexed articles he published during 1940-65. He actively popularized India?s history and its glorious past. Three such articles are included as they present initiatives in Indian History by the Maharajas College History Society, Colonial Researchers on India and Mysore Government?s initiative in a Kannada Encyclopedia. In his biography in the second part, his students and children have written about his life as a teacher and father, providing a context of his period. The book presents an interesting window to history research in the middle of last century.

  • Administrative and Social History of Mysore under the Wodeyars, 1600-1800 CE

    In Administrative and Social History of Mysore Under the Wodeyars (1600-1800 CE), Prof D S Achuta Rao presents an engaging account of the period. Believed to be the lineal descendants of the Vijayanagara, the kings of Mysore were described as ruling the earth seated on the jeweled throne of Karnataka. Tracing the earliest descent of Raja Wodeyar, the first remarkable ruler of the dynasty till the mid-1900, the book vividly draws before us a portrait of the political, military, law, social, religious, education, art and culture, and administrative construct of two centuries of the Wodeyar rule in Mysore. Capturing the significant features of the governance of the day, the book is a detailed and masterful telling of this phase in the history of Mysore, Karnataka, India. Scholarly and impressive, the book is a formidable achievement in terms of coverage and content.

  • The Path of Proofs: Pramanapaddhati of Sri Jayatirtha

    The Path of Proofs: Pramanapaddhati of Sri Jayatirtha Epistemology of the Dvaita school of thought is presented in this short monograph Pramanapaddhati  the Path of Proofs, authored by Sri Jayatirtha. Epistemology is the science of knowledge that deals with the origin and nature of cognitive events and their means. Acarya Madhva, the proponent of the Dvaita school, has explained about the epistemology of this new school in his works. Since Madhva’s language is profound and the elucidations are scattered over his several works, it is difficult to comprehend for a novice. Hence, Pramanapaddhati was composed by his successor of third generation Sri Jayatirtha. The simple and captivating style of this work is sure to ignite the interest in the readers to conduct further study in detail. This work is not only regarded as a standard textbook of Dvaita studies, but also considered as a basic authentic work in the Dvaita dialectic literature. The work is classified into three chapters; Pratyaksa, Anumana and Agama as a compendious yet full treatment of the Dvaita epistemology in smaller captions. Its discussion on the standpoints of other schools on various topics and their criticism is not much detailed. However, it is systematized and presented in an easily comprehendible style that can make even a novice understand the intricacies of Dvaita epistemology. The unique commentary skill of Sri Jayatirtha comprises of profound scholarship, style of exposition, lucid language, commitment to the original author, views on opposition with thorough knowledge, logical integrity, appropriate and comprehensive method of thinking. This work is rendered into English by Prof Shrinivasa Varakhedi adopting the mirror-translation method.

  • Hitting The Right Notes: Hindi Cinema’s Golden Music

    Hitting The Right Notes is a collection of stories that explores the great music that was once made in Hindi cinema, the musicians who made it happen, the instruments that were part of the narrative, and hundreds of associated ideas that confluenced to make it happen. In these pages there are essays on parallel harmony and counter-melody, as also on songs that end on a high pitch, and why they are made to do so. There are articles that attempt to demystify ghazals, with plenty of examples from our cinema. Other stories tell us about rhythmless songs the west calls senza misura, as also the significance behind background songs, with examples again. All such fascinating subjects are offered in a page-turning, reader-friendly way, and needless to say, the other, simpler subjects are also treated in the same absorbing fashion. Instances of such subjects would be songs featuring the horse-trot beats, the music of OP Nayyar and SD Burman, actresses playing the piano, the presence of the dance form called Laavni, and so on. All these stories are sparked by the myriad facets of our wonderful music, and many have not been offered earlier in any way, anywhere.

  • Capturing the Cosmic Light – A Handbook of Astrophotography

    The Handbook of Astrophotography is the first book dedicated to Astronomical Imaging through modest equipment, and the first to be published in India. It is a chronicle of the techniques learnt and employed by the author and is by no means proprietary. It is assumed that the reader is equipped with the basic knowledge to use a digital camera. After showing the many methods to capture the Cosmos, the book shows how to process these images. It is designed to be a handbook and not a user manual. The author hopes that the reader will be confident in astronomical imaging and develop his/her own techniques after reading the book. Sathyakumar started Astrophotography in January 2006 with a homemade wooden star-tracking mount and a camera borrowed from a friend. He later used his homemade Newtonian reflector telescope and an inexpensive digital camera to capture photos of the Moon. With an MSc in Aerospace engineering from the University of Salford, Manchester, he joined Opticstar Ltd, as a design engineer. There he was trained on the latest of astronomical instruments available for the amateur astrophotographer and eventually purchased the Celestron C8 Schmidt cassegrain telescope and the CG-5 Equatorial mount. Currently, he uses a GSO 6 inch RC telescope and an HEQ5-PRO computerized mount as well as an Orion 80ED Apochromatic telescope for astrophotography. He also owns an Astrotrac to take wide field vistas of the Cosmos. He is now employed as a Scientific Officer at Karnataka Science and Technology Promotion Society, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka.

  • Manipal Manual of Ear Mould Making

    Authors: Venkataraja Aithal U, Rekha Patil and B Rajashekhar

    Manipal Manual of Ear Mould Making is a comprehensive workbook of value to students of Audiology & hearing professionals who wish to understand the nuances of this skill that is paramount for optimization of hearing aid fitting. This is a compilation of the authors? years of experience in the deft skills of ear mould making and patient care in Manipal Ear Mould lab. Considerable efforts have gone in to bringing out this manual by incorporating appropriate pictures, stepwise procedures and simple instructions. This manual, besides appraising the readers of the procedure would also assist them in learning the dos and donts picked up out of the authors? clinical experience. This will be a reflection of our ongoing efforts to derive the best out of the rapidly developing technology in the area of hearing impairment.

    Interested readers may write to us at about purchasing the book. 

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  • Vaidehi Kathana

    Vaidehi Kathana is the first full-length literary critical study of the fictional, non fictional and poetic narratives of Vaidehi, who is considered to be one of the most celebrated contemporary Indian writers in Kannada. This work reviews, introduces, discusses and interprets all the writings of Vaidehi, which include short stories, poems, essays and a novel. The book examines how this great Indian writer has been reacting and responding to her time and space for the last four decades. The book shows how Vaidehi?s poetics has so subtly blended with her politics thereby creating some of the outstanding masterpieces in poetry and fiction of our times. The book discusses the special features of Vaidehi?s feminist perspectives as well as the uniqueness of her narrative skills. Arguing that Vaidehi?s spiritual triumph is demonstrated in her technical triumph, the book draws the attention of the non-Kannada readers to the entire body of Vaidehi?s writings. Lucidly translated into English by the noted translator O L Nagabhushana Swamy, T P Ashoka?s Vaidehi Kathana provides a meaningful opportunity for the non-Kannada readers to familiarize themselves with one of the greatest contemporary writers of India. T P Ashoka?s Vaidehi Kathana is a significant contribution to modern Indian literary criticism. The book provides an interesting reading not only to the students of literature, researchers and teachers but also appeals to the general readers.

  • A Bond So Sacred

    A Bond So Sacred tells the story of Raman, a satyagrahi, who adopts Kokila, an orphan. He leaves the five year old in the care of his mother while he plunges into the freedom struggle. His nationalist fervour, however, clashes with his love for Amina, his charming neighbour who wants parental approval to their marriage. Raman’s mother is as staunch a Brahmin as Amina’s father is a Muslim. Will Raman be able to get their consent? The joy of India becoming an independent nation is marred by Gandhiji’s death. Raman’s fellow satyagrahis have gone their ways and he finds himself with no role to play in a rapidly changing country. Meanwhile, Kokila, his protégée, has her own battles to fight. As the years bring them together again, Kokila discovers truths about Raman that she would never have imagined. She is forced to confront the ghosts of the past, his and hers.

  • Legends of Travancore – A Numismatic Heritage

    The Kingdom of Travancore in the Southern part of India was a native state in British India which was well known for its progressive outlook. Its enlightened royalty ruled the country as Sree Padmanabha Dasa. They had in place a well oiled administrative mechanism that implemented various programs and reforms, resulting in an overall development of Travancore. Though Travancore was under the colonial rulers, there was a well-orchestrated administrative machinery for coinage. Coins were minted as per the specifications ordered by the periodically issued Royal Proclamations. It is creditable that Travancore retained its independence in its functioning to a large extent. This book is an insight into the coins of Modern Travancore (from 1729 AD) which not only reflects the religious beliefs of the rulers, but also sketches the socio-political atmosphere of the period. Dr Joseph Thomas hailing from Thiruvananthapuram, is a Professor of Urology at Manipal University in India. His passion for collecting coins developed into a serious numismatic pursuit. His special area of interest is the study of the history of Venad and Travancore. His detailed study of the Travancore coins and the various related issues give an insight into the rich numismatic heritage of modern Travancore. He is a Life Member of the Philatelic and Numismatic Association of Thiruvananthapuram and a Life Member of the South Indian Numismatic Society, Chennai.

  • Geoffrey Bawa – A Conscious Perception

    This book is all about giving the readers a peek view into the life of Geoffrey Bawa; Sri Lanka’s most famous architect. an book that reveals an insight into his work through his most famous projects accompanied by beautiful hand-drawn illustrations. Alluring and simply authentic, these self-narrative illustrations are a result of personal experience. This book will give readers an understanding of how successfully Geoffrey Bawa had inculcated spaces, vistas, and landscape with that of the built environment bringing about a touch of Modern Tropism and fusing it together with the rich culture and traditions of Sri Lanka.

  • A Concise Textbook of Drug Regulatory Affairs

    This book has 12 chapters covering nearly all the areas of Drug Regulatory Affairs. Various aspects of Drug Regulatory Affairs such as new drug approval procedure, pharmacovigilance, product recall, evolution of drug regulations in the United States of America (USA) and process of drug approval in the USA and European Union, bioequivalence regulations, electronic Common Technical Documents (eCTD), environmental regulations, orphan drugs pharmaceutical pricing and control policy, Pharmacovigilance system in India and the USA, Product Recall, regulations of pharmaceutical drug promotion and Pharmacy Practice regulations are covered in this book. As a whole, the book is a comprehensive reference book on regulatory affairs and will be very useful for the practicing professionals and students alike.

  • Linear Algebra with Applications

    Linear Algebra with Applications portrays selected articles published earlier by Prof Ravindra B Bapat in various reputed journals. This volume published in honour of Prof Bapat, on the occasion of his 60th birthday, consists of his original research articles written in the area of (i) Permanent, Determinant and their applications, (ii) Non-negative Matrices, (iii) Matrix Methods in Statistics and Graph theory, and (iv) Generalized Inverses of a Matrix. Starting with an article A Generalization of a Theorem of Ky Fan on Simplicial Maps, his first article published in 1980, several articles probing the properties of permanent and determinant, characterization of generalized inverses, spectral properties of graphs, and applications of matrix methods in statistics are compiled in this volume. The articles selected in this book will certainly inspire the young linear algebraists and provide several matrix techniques to solve different problems in the area of applied linear algebra.
