Showing 181–191 of 191 results

  • Biomedical Spectroscopy

    Author: Santhosh C, Vasudevan Baskaran Kartha

    Biomedical spectroscopy is the output of the intensive discussions of the authors and the medical professionals of Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University. The ?Centre for Laser Spectroscopy?, a centre for developing biomedical applications of laser spectroscopic methods, was established at Manipal University in 1997. The scientists of the Centre, together with the physicians, surgeons, and pathologists of the KMC, initiated a number of research programs in this area. The main aim of the Centre was to develop spectroscopic methods for early detection, screening, monitoring therapy and identification of disease markers, with special emphasis on various cancers, so that these techniques can be applied for routine healthcare applications. Outcome of these research activities are covered in the book. A common platform of information can provide a more open communication enabling faster and better evolution of the spectroscopic methods for biomedical applications.

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  • Valmiki Ramayana – Critical Essays

    This book critically engages with several important events and statements found in Valmiki’s epic poem, the Ramayana composed over 2500 years ago. Though certain methods were followed to preserve the Vedic texts, no serious methods were adopted to preserve the text of Ramayana. The poem spread to all parts of India and beyond through narrators of the epic who sometimes added their own explanatory verses to conform to local customs and traditions. In the second half of the 20th century, scholars at the Baroda Oriental Research Institute, after many years of labour and examination of over 2000 different manuscripts, compiled what is now accepted as the most reliable version of the poem. Based on this critical edition, a condensed English version by Dr Parameswaran was earlier published by the Manipal University Press. In the present book, Dr Parameswaran reviews the critical interpretations of scholars like Sheldon Pollock, R P Goldman and Wendy Doniger and has analytic responses to many unanswered questions. About the book: Dr M R Parameswaran has taught Mathematics as well as Sanskrit at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. His work Studies in Srivaishnavism, has been well received by academic scholars and Srivaishnavas.

  • The Practice of Geopolitics

    Intended to be a Practioner?s Guide to Geopolitics, the book provides a look into the thought processes that generate correct and timely analysis of global events. Geopolitics needs to weave within its analytical grasp economics, society, strategy and even culture, as the science deals with overall national capabilities as well as the mutal synergy and frictions between nations. Although a broad range of subjects has been covered in the book, each is anchored in the ground reality of events having a profound impact on the lives of citizens and on world events. The growing interconnectedness of the globe has resulted in a need to do away with the popular west centric models of international relations and to view events not through that single prism but from a holistic viewpoint that accepts the relevance and maturity of different histories and geographies. What the book provides is an alternativeWeltanschauung to the dominant models of geopolitical analysis, so that the science is enabled to cross beyond the narrow boundaries which have confined. The scope and applicability of its analysis. The rise of Asia needs a geopolitical vision unique to the continent, and this is what has been provided by Professor Nalapat.

  • Physical Science and The Future of India

    Physical Sciences and the Future of INDIA Scientific studies of nature have resulted in profound changes in our perspective of ourselves and the world around us. As India reclaims its place in the world, our need for understanding science and appreciating technology has increased. Physical Science and the Future of India, therefore, makes it essential for us to understand the scientific world view as well as powers and limitations of science and technology to understand its impact on our civilisation as a whole. Mayank K Vahia Prof Mayank Vahia is a scientist at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) with a special interest in science, science education and its impact on Indian civilization. His research interests include space-based telescopes for high-energy astrophysics to history of Indian astronomy.

  • The Language of Logic: Navyanyaya Perspectives

    The Language of Logic – Navyanyāya Perspectives is a unique introduction to the philosophy and language of Indian Logic – Navyanyāya. Setting out with the technical language of Navyanyāya, the book takes the reader through its applications to computerized language processing, and culminates in the philosophical aspects of Indian logic. By introducing complex ideas with lucid narration, illustrations, and interesting analogies, it opens the door for a general audience to the intricacies of the traditional Nyāya-vaiśeṣika doctrine.

  • The Ramayana of Valmiki (A condensed version of Valmiki’s epic)

    The world’s greatest epic poem Valmikiramayana, composed over 2,500 years ago, is loved by countless millions of men and women of all religions. The present book is the first condensed version in English of the most reliable version of Valmikiramayana, the Critical Edition prepared by Baroda Oriental Research Institute, India.

  • Lectures on Matrix and Graph Methods

    Lectures on Matrix and Graph Methods Lectures on Matrix and Graph Methods portrays selected lectures delivered by leading Mathematicians and Statisticians in the International Workshop on Combinatorial Matrix Theory and Generalized Inverses of Matrices organized by Department of Statistics, Manipal University, Manipal, India, during January 2-7, 2012. This book covers the topics even beyond the traditional applications of matrix theory and spectral theory of graphs. Graph Theoretic Applications to Computing the Nucleolus of an Assignment Game by T E S Raghavan and Introduction to Yantra Magic Squares and Agrippa-type Magic Matrices by G P H Styan et al. are among those topics. Also, an interview with S K Mitra in 1993 by G P H Styan and Simo Puntanen is presented here.

    Ravindra B Bapat, Steve Kirkland, K Manjunatha Prasad, Simo Puntanen Ravindra B Bapat is at the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre. His main areas of interest are combinatorial matrix theory, matrices and graphs, and generalized inverses. He is a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy and a J C Bose Fellow. He served as the President of the Indian Mathematical Society during 2007-2008. Steve Kirkland is a Stokes Professor at the National University of Ireland Maynooth. His research interests include non-negative matrix theory, spectral graph theory, and combinatorial matrix theory. He is currently the Editor-in-chief of the journal ?Linear and Multilinear Algebra?, and the President of the International Linear Algebra Society. K Manjunatha Prasad earned his PhD from Indian Statistical Institute. Currently, he is a Professor of Mathematics at Department of Statistics, Manipal University, Manipal. His research interests are matrix theory, generalized inverse, ring theory and projective modules. Simo Puntanen earned his PhD in statistics from the University of Tampere (Finland) in 1987, where he is presently a Lecturer.

  • Talat Mahmood – The Velvet Voice

    Talat Mahmood was one of the most important and significant singers of the golden era of Hindi film music. His songs are recalled by music lovers, generation after generation. The quality of his voice and the richness of his expression made him a great singer both in cinema and outside it. His melodies are a precious part of any music connoisseur’s repository and for several people around the world his is the most moving and soul-stirring voice ever. It’s a little known fact that as much as a third of his work is non-film recordings, which consists of several songs of absolutely stunning and magical melodies to touch the listener’s heart. There has never been someone quite like Talat till today and it is to his credit that he sang his songs softly and left deep impressions on our psyche. Because Talat Mahmood was handsome, he also acted in a few films, being cast opposite many beautiful ladies of the time, including Nutan, Suraiya, Nadira, Mala Sinha, Shyama et al. However, it is not as an actor but as a singer that he will be remembered. Inside the present work, tributes from his son and daughter find space. This is a focused effort to look at the life and times of this amazing singing-actor, seen from the perspective of many music lovers who either knew him or understood his music. His entire repertoire of songs is tabulated and can be readily referenced. Plus there is a great deal of trivia related to the films in which his songs were featured. This is one book on the gentleman singer in which the readers or music lovers will find everything they always wanted to know about Talat, presented in a fun-to-read way, while continuing to fulfill its task of being an exhaustive work of reference.

  • Vrunda Prabhu-Mathematician and poet

    Editor: Yatin Nandedkar

    This tribute chronicles the profound journey of Vrunda Prabhu, from her humble beginnings in Mumbai to her impactful career in mathematics and advocacy for marginalized communities in rural Tamil Nadu. Her unwavering commitment to integrity, compassion, and spiritual growth touched lives across continents, leaving a legacy of courage and selflessness. This tribute honours her enduring spirit and the indelible mark she left on all who knew her.

  • Kodethoor & Beyond-The Story of Udupa’s


    Explore the rich history of the Kodethoor Udupas, tracing their lineage from prominent Brahmin families linked to the Karthikeya Temple in Kandavara, Karnataka. This book delves into the achievements of family members across various fields including science, medicine, engineering, education, law, and astrology. It is a comprehensive effort to unite dispersed family members, offering a unique narrative of their journey from a small village to global recognition.


  • Dr H S Ballal – Manipal’s Gentle Giant

    Editor: H Vinod Bhat

    Celebrating the legacy of Dr H S Ballal on his 75th birthday, this book pays tribute to his multifaceted persona and enduring impact as an affable leader and astute administrator. From transforming Manipal Academy of Higher Education with internationalization and IT integration to his impeccable event management and powerful oratory, Dr Ballal’s journey reflects precision, humility, and unwavering dedication. This commemorative volume, enriched by personal anecdotes
    and professional accolades, highlights his inspirational leadership and profound contributions to education and healthcare.