Showing 61–80 of 97 results

  • Manipal Manual for Swallowing Assessment

    Manipal Manual for Swallowing Assessment covers a broad range of basic aspects on swallowing in a comprehensive manner. The manual provides a theoretical description of clinical relevance and also offers a simple way of systematically assessing swallowing abilities, with clear direction for intervention planning. The manual is expected to effectively meet the clinical challenges and give a firm foundation for future research in the area of swallowing.

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  • Manipal Manual of Adolescent Language Assessment

    Manipal Manual of Adolescent Language Assessment has been developed as an assessment tool to identify subtle semantic and morphologic language deficits in both auditory and visual modalities in adolescents with language disorders. This manual also intends to provide a strong theoretical background of adolescent language development and disorders.

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  • Manipal Manual of Ear Mould Making

    Authors: Venkataraja Aithal U, Rekha Patil and B Rajashekhar

    Manipal Manual of Ear Mould Making is a comprehensive workbook of value to students of Audiology & hearing professionals who wish to understand the nuances of this skill that is paramount for optimization of hearing aid fitting. This is a compilation of the authors? years of experience in the deft skills of ear mould making and patient care in Manipal Ear Mould lab. Considerable efforts have gone in to bringing out this manual by incorporating appropriate pictures, stepwise procedures and simple instructions. This manual, besides appraising the readers of the procedure would also assist them in learning the dos and donts picked up out of the authors? clinical experience. This will be a reflection of our ongoing efforts to derive the best out of the rapidly developing technology in the area of hearing impairment.

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  • Master Story Tellers of India

    Master Storytellers of India is a close study of miniatures in Indian English literature – miniatures from life that have the power to light up a face with a smile and touch hearts. It is a critical study of the short stories of seven major Indo-Anglian short story writers of India and traces the beginnings of short story writing in India, the influences on the writers, the themes used and the techniques employed in writing the short story in English. The primary objective of the study is to identify thematic similarities in the stories and study the various techniques used to present the themes. The broader purpose is to showcase the varied hues of life portrayed in Indian English literature.

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    What doctors, patients, and hospitals should know

    The title Medical Negligence is sufficient to illustrate the contents of the book which helps retain knowledge and information about the field of Medicine and Health Science. The author gives an introductory note on several important medical specialities, with relevant case laws in, as many as, 37 chapters which are categorized into five sections. The book covers several important subjects such as the doctor-patient relationship, salient features of the Consumer Protection Act, the concept of medical negligence – civil and criminal, the importance of valid informed consent and the principle of res ipsa loquitur, etc. The chapters on almost every branch of Medicine and Surgery contain a wealth of up-to-date information on the current scientific understanding of the subject, which intends to present medical malpractice in the larger context of the admirable advances in medicine and which have made life much safer and better in the last few decades. The book contains detailed guidelines for doctors, patients, and hospitals in three different chapters with a concluding chapter on Medical Insurance. The book is written in a lucid style that can be understood not only by physicians and lawyers but also by the public.

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  • Mutualistic Interaction between Flowering Plants and Animals

    The plant-animal interactions, both mutualistic and antagonistic, play a crucial role in the diversification of plants and animals, and are important in functioning of communities in their natural habitats. The mutual interactions between the flowering plants and the animals, in pollination and seed dispersal, largely determine the reproductive success of the flowering plants. Maintenance of these eco-services is critical for the sustainability of our biodiversity. India, with its rich biodiversity and leveling of crop yields in recent years would benefit from research in the area of plant-animal interactions. This volume includes chapters on various aspects of mutualistic plant-animal interactions. In particular the fundamental and applied aspects of ecoservices – pollination and seed dispersal are covered comprehensively. It also covers tritrophic interaction and the potential of genomics in studies on the plant-animal interactions. The book will be of interest to post-graduate students, teachers and researchers in the areas of Biology, Ecology, Botany,
    Zoology, Agri-horticulture, Forestry, and Conservation Biology.

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  • Mysore History before 1800 CE

    Mysore History before 1800 CE is about the life and work of Prof. D S Achuta Rao. His research on Mysore history is represented by ten indexed articles he published during 1940-65. He actively popularized India?s history and its glorious past. Three such articles are included as they present initiatives in Indian History by the Maharajas College History Society, Colonial Researchers on India and Mysore Government?s initiative in a Kannada Encyclopedia. In his biography in the second part, his students and children have written about his life as a teacher and father, providing a context of his period. The book presents an interesting window to history research in the middle of last century.

  • Mysore History(Christa Shaka 1800 Ra Modalina Mysooru ithihaasa)

    Author: Translator:

    ೧೮೦೦ ಕ್ರಿ. ಶ. ದ ಹಿಂದಿನ ಮೈಸೂರು ಇತಿಹಾಸವು ಪ್ರೊ. ಡಿ ಎಸ್ ಅಚ್ಯುತ ರಾವ್ ಅವರ ಜೀವನ ಮತ್ತು ಕೆಲಸದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ. ಮೈಸೂರು ಇತಿಹಾಸದ ಕುರಿತಾದ ಅವರ ಸಂಶೋಧನೆಯು 1940-65ರ ಅವಧಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅವರು ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಿದ ಹತ್ತು ಸೂಚ್ಯಂಕ ಲೇಖನಗಳಿಂದ ಪ್ರತಿನಿಧಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಅವರು ಭಾರತದ ಇತಿಹಾಸ ಮತ್ತು ಅದರ ಅದ್ಭುತ ಭೂತಕಾಲವನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯವಾಗಿ ಜನಪ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿದರು. ಮಹಾರಾಜಾಸ್ ಕಾಲೇಜ್ ಹಿಸ್ಟರಿ ಸೊಸೈಟಿ, ಭಾರತದ ವಸಾಹತು ಸಂಶೋಧಕರು ಮತ್ತು ಕನ್ನಡ ವಿಶ್ವಕೋಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಮೈಸೂರು ಸರ್ಕಾರದ ಉಪಕ್ರಮದಿಂದ ಭಾರತೀಯ ಇತಿಹಾಸದಲ್ಲಿ ಉಪಕ್ರಮಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತಪಡಿಸುವುದರಿಂದ ಅಂತಹ ಮೂರು ಲೇಖನಗಳನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. ಎರಡನೇ ಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಅವರ ಜೀವನಚರಿತ್ರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ, ಅವರ ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮಕ್ಕಳು ಶಿಕ್ಷಕ ಮತ್ತು ತಂದೆಯಾಗಿ ಅವರ ಜೀವನದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಬರೆದಿದ್ದಾರೆ, ಅವರ ಅವಧಿಯ ಸಂದರ್ಭವನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಪುಸ್ತಕವು ಕಳೆದ ಶತಮಾನದ ಮಧ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಇತಿಹಾಸ ಸಂಶೋಧನೆಗೆ ಆಸಕ್ತಿದಾಯಕ ವಿಂಡೋವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತಪಡಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.

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  • Parkinson’s Disease in India: From Clinic to Bench

    The book fills a void in the knowledge about difference in Parkinson’s disease as seen India, if any from the rest of the world. It will provide a reference for any student of neurology wanting to learn the finer nuances of Parkinson’s disease in India. The book is written by Indian authors who have studied different aspects of Parkinson?s disease in depth, covering all aspects of Parkinson’s disease. The book is painstakingly drafted to cover all aspects of Parkinson’s disease from demography, etiology, clinical features (both motor and non-motor), complications, treatment modalities, its impact on the sufferer and the family and the financial aspect.

  • Path to Ideal Motherhood

    Path to Ideal Motherhood is a complete guide on pre-conceptual counselling, pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy is to nurture a life within, where a would-be mother experiences physical, psychological, emotional and societal changes. A complete knowledge of pregnancy, and a sincere and positive effort by the would-be mother is what is required to make this journey an enriching experience, filled with fond memories. The book discusses and provides a detailed information on important facts of childbirth and pregnancy, lifestyle changes during pregnancy, along with the importance of breathing, nutrition, exercises, sleep, etc. The book also discusses the concept of Garbha Sanskar for a healthy baby. As a young mother nurtures a young life, the book seeks to nurture the young mother towards an ideal path to motherhood.

  • Performing Self/Performing Gender: Reading the lives of Women Performers in Colonial India

    This book explores the shifting identity of the female performer in India, starting from the late 19th century to the early years of independence, through the study of autobiographies and memoirs. It attempts to make visible the actress figure by entering the history of performance, guided by the voice of the female performer. The discussion on performing woman in this book spans across the performing traditions of the tawaif, actresses in public theatre, early Indian film actresses, and actresses in the Indian People?s Theatre and the Prithvi Theatre. Sheetala Bhat is an actress and a writer from Sirsi, a small town in the Western Ghats of Karnataka. She holds an MA in English Literature from Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal University, Manipal. She worked with Chintana repertory, exploring the possibilities of theatre in education in government schools in Karnataka. She writes short stories and poetry in Kannada. Being a reclusive reader and an enthusiastic actress, she often finds herself rummaging and weaving in between the fields of theatre and Indian literature, with an emphasis on the gender concerns in these areas. Performing Self, Performing Gender: Reading the Lives of Women Performers in Colonial India is her first book.

  • Pharmaceutical Consumer Complaints: A Guide to Academia and Pharmaceutical Industry

    This book is an excellent guide in analyzing consumer complaints and will aid the students who are yet to gain industry experience. It is necessary for resolving consumer complaints in pharmaceutical industry where such concerns are frequently received. The case studies provide a vivid description of defects that will help identify the nature of the issue, possible root cause of such complaints, and subsequent remediation.

  • Pharmaceutical Marketing Management

    The book begins with a brief overview of Indian and Global Pharmaceutical Market. It discusses unconventional topics related to pharmaceutical marketing. Most of the chapters like Segmentation, Promotional Mix, Consumer Behaviour and Pricing etc, explain the basic concepts with an emphasis on the Phrama perspective. Chapters are updated with recent developments in those fields. Clinical Research has always been under scan, the chapter on clinical research covers the latest amendments and discusses the future trends. Chapter Cosmeceutical gives an overview of Cosmeceutical market scenario and the growth drivers. The book includes a brief note on Ethics.

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  • Pharmaceutical Technology Handbook

    The pharmaceutical industry is growing both in terms of volume and diversity of new products. As years pass by, new technology both for manufacture and quality control is being introduced. It is essential to maintain a competitive edge concerning quality, cost, compliance, and prompt deliveries. The fresh graduates are lacking knowledge about the ongoings of industry and there is a gap between academic education and industry expectations from pharma graduates. This comprehensive updated Pharmaceutical Technology Handbook helps in reducing the gap in understanding technology, modern pharma equipment, and plant design to some extent. Divided into six sections, the articles presented in this book, in one way or another, touch all aspects of succeeding in a competitive situation. The highlight of this book is its focus on the layout for various manufacturing sections, each prepared by expert architects/consultants. The authors are conversant with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines and have been instrumental in delivering manufacturing units of global standards approved by various approving agencies.

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  • Physical Science and The Future of India

    Physical Sciences and the Future of INDIA Scientific studies of nature have resulted in profound changes in our perspective of ourselves and the world around us. As India reclaims its place in the world, our need for understanding science and appreciating technology has increased. Physical Science and the Future of India, therefore, makes it essential for us to understand the scientific world view as well as powers and limitations of science and technology to understand its impact on our civilisation as a whole. Mayank K Vahia Prof Mayank Vahia is a scientist at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) with a special interest in science, science education and its impact on Indian civilization. His research interests include space-based telescopes for high-energy astrophysics to history of Indian astronomy.

  • Quality in Pharmaceutical Education, Research and Practice (vision 2020)

    The book discusses the topics related to quality in education and research. It begins with a topic on Good Science, Education, and Teaching. Next chapter on Total Quality Management in pharmacy education highlights the importance of quality pharmacy education. There are focused chapters emphasizing the importance of quality education in pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical biotechnology, pharmaceutical services, and pharmacognosy. The book includes a brief note on scope and potential in pharmacovigilance and quality of pharmaceutical sciences journals.


  • R Manual for Health Science Researchers

    This book provides a step-by-step approach to the use of R software. R is an open source programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics, and is widely used by statisticians for developing statistical software and data analysis. R is freely available under the GNU General Public License and pre- compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. R uses a command line interface. This manual is intended to serve as a self-teaching resource for health science researchers, who shy away from biostatistics and its analysis by statistical softwares. An explanation to the statistical concept is provided prior to the R demonstration. A beginner can start with the exploratory data analysis and then step up to the advanced areas.

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  • Reimagining Border in
    Cross-border Education

    Universities are inherently and definitionally universal in their quest for the creation and dissemination of knowledge. They are set to defy borders that exist in parochial forms. Globalization which opened up borders has by design or default created inequalities and imbalances in knowledge systems. Undoubtedly, knowledge is power but the difference in the power that is intrinsic to it and the power that is ascribed which is determined by dominant political and economic hierarchies.<br><br>If knowledge predominantly flows from global north to global south, people seeking knowledge move from global south to global north. These imbalances are also seen within these regions, between cultures and communities, one claiming superiority over the other. These realities call for a reassessment of not only what constitutes knowledge, but also what encompasses the idea of borders. Through this book, we wish to see more elaboration on the inclusive role of education that can act as an equalizer or as a catalyst for creating a level playing field across borders.

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  • Saamajika Samanvayada Harikara – Kanaka Dasaru

    ಕನಕದಾಸರ ಜೀವನವೇ ಸಮನ್ವಯತೆಯ ಪ್ರತಿಬಿಂಬವಾಗಿತ್ತು. ಹುಟ್ಟಿದ್ದು ಕುರುಬರ ಮನೆತನದಲ್ಲಿ; ಬೆಳೆದದ್ದು ಸಂಸಾರದ ಜಂಜಾಟದ ರಾಜಕೀಯ ಪರಿಸರದಲ್ಲಿ; ಜೀವನದ ಕೊನೆ ಕೊನೆಗೆ ಒಡನಾಟವನ್ನಿಟ್ಟುಕೊಂಡದ್ದು ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣರ ಪರಿಸರದಲ್ಲಿ, ಅಂತಿಮವಾಗಿದ್ದದ್ದು ದಾಸಭಾವದ ನೆಲೆಗಟ್ಟಿನಲ್ಲಿ. ಹೀಗಾಗಿ, ಅವರು ಒಂದು ನೆಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ತಮ್ಮ ಸಮಗ್ರ ಜೀವನವನ್ನು ನಡೆಸಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಆದರೆ, ಅವರಿಗಿದ್ದುದು ಸಾಧಕನ ನೆಲೆ. ಹುಟ್ಟಿದ್ದು ಬೆಳೆದಿದ್ದು ನಾಯಕನ ಕುಲದಲ್ಲಿ, ಜೀವನದ ಹರೆಯ ಹಾಗೂ ಕೊನೆಯ ಕಾಲದಲ್ಲಿ ದೇವರ ದಾಸನಾಗುವ ಲವಲವಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬೆಳೆಸಿಕೊಂಡಿದ್ದು; ದ್ವೇಷ, ಕ್ರೌರ್ಯಗಳ ದಟ್ಟಿ ನಿಂದ ಭಕ್ತಿಯ ಮೆಟ್ಟಿಲುಗಳೆಡೆಗೆ ಸಾಗಿದ್ದು. ಹೀಗೆ ಕನಕದಾಸರ ಜೀವನವು ಪರಸ್ಪರ ವಿರೋಧಗಳ ಬೀಡಾಗಿದ್ದರೂ ಅಂತರಂಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಅದು ಸಮನ್ವಯತೆಯ ನೆಲೆಯನ್ನು ಮೈಗೂಡಿಸಿ ಕೊಂಡಿತ್ತು. ಕನಕದಾಸರು ಸಮಗ್ರವಾದ ಸಮನ್ವಯ ದೃಷ್ಟಿಯ ಹರಿಕಾರರೆನಿಸಿದರು.

  • Searching in the Backyard: Kunabi Child Care From an Ethnopaediatric Perspective

    This work on ethnopaediatrics is a thick description and a critical analysis of the plural mix of child health care that exists among the Kunabi tribe, a marginalized tribal population in the forests of Western Karnataka. It points out the gaps that exist between modern health providers and the indigenous people. It shows how these gaps could be resolved if bottom-up ethnopaediatric approach is adopted. The volume will be beneficial to planners, policy makers, and modern health care providers who are involved in reproductive and child health programs in India. Ambuja Kowlgi is an anthropologist by profession and acclaimed as one of the best ethnographic fieldworker in her alma mater. She is a freelance consultant in anthropological analysis, translations, and editing. She has published articles in national and international journals. C G Hussain Khan is UGC Emeritus Fellow at the Department of Anthropology, Karnatak University and member of the National Advisory Committee, Anthropological Survey of India. He has served as ? Coordinator, International Diploma in Reproductive Health Management, Karnatak University Dharwad; Chairman, Anthropology Department, Karnatak University; Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences; and member, UGC Curriculum Development Committee (Anthropology). He has worked on WHO projects and, published books and articles in national and international journals.
