Vacanāmṛtam – Nectar of Sayings


Translator : Mangesh Venkatesh Nadkarni

The Śiva Śaraṇas of medieval Karnataka left a rich legacy of what are called Vacanas, or “Sayings,” in Kannada. These Vacanas were far ahead of their times in social awareness. They deplored the caste system and discrimination, upheld the dignity of women in family and society, stressed on the priority of work, and advocated charity, in addition to devotion to One God – Śiva. They also imparted practical wisdom for living honourably and meaningfully in the world.

Though the book is primarily meant for those who do not understand the original in Kannada, Kannadigas can also benefit from it. This is because the most interesting (320) of the vast number of Vacanas (more than 20,000) are selected and made accessible in one place here. The translations here are not literal or mechanical. They bring out the intent of the Vacanas while being truthful to the original at the same time.

Manipal Universal Press (MUP) is dedicated to making Vacana Sahitya accessible to the English audience. As a part of this effort, we have published a book titled Akka Mahadevi: The Questioning Poet-Saint. This work explores the life and enduring legacy of Akka Mahadevi, the influential 12th Century Kannada poet whose profound vacanas continue to inspire readers today.

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