Saamaajika Neeti Kaavya Guchchhah

By (author)M V Nadkarni



The book Samajika Niti-Kavya Gucchah contains five satakams (sets of hundred verses) on social ethics, inspired by the ancient Sanskrit poet, Bhartrhar’s Niti-satakam. They are on environmental ethics, Gandhi’s ethical philosophy, Hinduism from the ethical perspective of Gandhi, humanitarianism, and ethical philosophy of democracy including human rights. There are also two dasakams (sets of ten verses), being prayers to goddess Sharada and goddess Mahalakshmi, one at the beginning and the other at the end of the satakams, respectively; seeking wisdom and end to poverty and inequality in the world. Though the original compositions are in Sanskrit, the book provides their lucid translation into English with word-to-word meaning and annotation.

The book is a short but comprehensive introduction to social, political, economic, and environmental ethics, and can be an aid in learning Sanskrit through modern problems showing the language as relevant for contemporary concerns as well.

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