Dhvani and Epiphany: Essays in Criticism



Dhvani and Epiphany examines the work of major Indian poets like Nissim Ezekiel and Arun Kolatkar; the struggle of young poets to find an audience; and the art of fiction. But its main focus is on the nature of creativity. How does an artist communicate his meaning? What makes a work genuinely creative? Through a sensitive exploration of poetry- ranging from the simple poems of a child, Poorna Prajna, to the complex “Byzantium Poems” of Yeats- the first seven essays try to show how a poem comes to life when it speaks to us and we listen to its dhvani and respond.

Even in fiction, it is not all realism. There is irony in exploring the paradoxical nature of reality; events taking on symbolic overtones; and epiphany, moments of illumination and insights – when surprising correspondences are seen. Writers cannot surprise and delight their audience if they themselves are not surprised and delighted by such insights.

Interested readers may write to us at mup@manipal.edu about purchasing the book.

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